Friday, August 7, 2009


+Anima is a very lighthearted story that takes place in a world where children can gain some of the powers of animals if they are in desperate need. The main character is Cooro, a little boy who likes apples and cheese and is happy almost always. His Anima, or the power he has, is that of a crow, meaning that he has black wings and feathery arms when he chooses to. He travels with three other companions: Husky, a fish Anima who looks like a girl but is a guy and in fact hates girls, as he repeats over and over, Senri, a boy of about 15 or 16 (The oldest of the companions) who has the Anima of a bear and is a very quiet, intimidating person who likes pressed flowers and sweet things, and Nana, a small girl with the Anima of a bat who likes clothes and wants to marry a rich husband(rather like Anise from Tales of the Abyss).

The story follows these four companions as they travel part of the world, dodging prejudice(+Anima are generally not accepted as regular members of society), learning more about themselves and each other, and having a lot of fun and causing hilarity along the way.

This manga is one of those things that cheer you up no matter what mood you're in, as observing the hilarious antics of all the characters makes almost anybody smile.

This manga is very happy and lighthearted (while having, I suppose, some deep hidden message in it(but I never really care about those)) and it is very fun to read, which is why I give it a 9 out of 10.

You can find chapters 1-42 on and the rest on I have no idea how many chapters it has because mangafox has the last two volumes appear to be one chapter each (with 104 pages XD) and I am too lazy to go through each scanlated volume and count. I suppose I could look it up, but that wouldn't be fun, would it?

Okay, fine, I'll Google it.

Ah! Google has produced the results in the form of a completely different manga site that happens to have all the chapters! according to, +Anima consists of 56 chapters. I'd never heard of '' before, so I'll have to add it to my mental manga repertoire.

But yes, as I said before I award this manga 9 out of ten. Because I like asterisks:


^That's a lot of asterisks and it looks rather messy. Oh well. I hope I get to award each and every manga on The List at least this many, because that would be two and a half notecards worth of good manga titles.

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